Preserving your wealth for future generations

Either at the same time as beginning to utilise your wealth, or a short while after, your attention may alter to take account of passing money on to your next generation – but not at the expense of your own financial wellbeing. You will consider the importance of arranging your estate so that it is easy for you to manage, and easy for your loved ones to administer in the future. Inheritance tax will be a consideration, and you may well want to make gifts of either existing assets or future growth on existing investments, into trust for your family – while again ensuring that you remain in control and are secure. 

Typically here we will be engaging with the wider family where appropriate, to understand the role you want your wealth to play in their lives - and to ensure they have a working understanding of your estate if this suits you, and also to get to know them so as to be able to advise them as and when they perhaps inherit.

Trusts are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.