Accumulating wealth

This first part of your financial journey is focussed on saving income into tax efficient investments, investing responsibly and wisely, and being truly Connected to your own life plan. With time on your side you will perhaps take a degree more risk and feed money regularly into the markets, to take advantage of fluctuating prices. We also widen the advice you benefit from by carrying out an assessment and audit of your wider holdings, to ascertain whether any money you have already invested is being well managed and appropriately invested. You will likely be busy working, and so being Connected to robust asset management and sensible ongoing financial planning advice will be central to providing you with ongoing peace of mind. Your income stream might perhaps be one of your biggest assets, and so the protection of it and of your wider plan will also be critical here.

The typical planning areas here will be around regular savings, investments and protection. You will typically also be using pension tax efficiencies to grow your wealth, ready for when you enter the next stage of your journey – retiring and the utilisation of your assets, perhaps when you’ve reached a target figure for your asset base.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.